Nature education and awareness

We need different learning opportunities

Man is a part of nature. Our decisions and actions will return like a boomerang to ourselves and our descendants. If we act wisely and with respect for nature, it will also be safer and better for us to live on Earth in the long term. Nature education and information help us to understand what the smarter choices are, and how to behave in a more environmentally friendly manner. At the same time, it also helps us to better feel and understand nature and ourselves as a part of it.

In general, simply reading books, watching video clips or some campaign is not enough to generate interest in nature and shape behaviour. It takes diverse and repeated experiences, including trying things out on your own. Here, for example, collective actions, mowing trainings, observations of amateur science and other events serve as good helpers.

How do we inform people and make their behaviour more environmentally friendly?

  • We laid the foundation for the Palupõhja Nature School, where dozens of collective actions, trainings, study programs, etc. are held every year.
  • We organize dozens of conservation holidays each season, during which everyone can learn about habitats and communities and help restore their own natural values.
  • We have established a number of study trails, including the mire restoration study-trail in Tudusoo and the environmentally friendly forestry trail in Pokumaa.
  • We contribute to amateur science, e.g. with the call to map the location of cowslips and lichens.
  • We organize mowing classes with a scythe and share tips for preserving biodiversity in your garden.
  • We are conducting the "Frogs on the Road" campaign, which calls on people to notice and help frogs migrating on the roads in the spring.
  • We publicly recognize young conservationists every year.
  • We have created various nature-themed games, (digital) books, video series and practical instructions for both children and adults, as well as experts, practitioners and decision-makers. For example, the Ah Soo! series of educational films and guide to continuous cover forestry.
  • We launched the Ida-Viru Youth Climate Assembly and the Climate School for Decision Makers.
  • We keep various nature conservation topics alive on a daily basis, both in our channels and in the media.
  • We play the role of leader for the Let’s Do It! collective action day, and we invite people to organize collective actions involving nature within the framework of the above.
  • We share tips and tricks for planet-friendly eating at the food traffic light.