Healthy Sea

We need to reduce nutrient runoff  into the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea comprises only a fragment of the world’s oceans, but at the same time is quite isolated from the openness of those oceans. Dependent upon the Baltic Sea are the birds and bats that migrate over it, along with the fish, seals, and porpoises found within, and the people working on the sea and along the coast. Every second breath of oxygen comes from the world’s oceans. Unfortunately, the Baltic Sea has been suffering from overfeeding for a long time – excess nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, end up in the sea mainly due to agriculture in the surrounding countries. An excess of nutrients leads to eutrophication that causes a great deal of trouble, for example, an increasing number of areas without oxygen, or so-called dead zones, are being created in our home sea, where aerobic life is impossible.

In order to improve the health of our home sea, it is necessary to reduce the flow of excess nutrients into the sea along with the other countries located along the shores of the Baltic Sea. However, we also stand for a well-advised marine spacial planning, so that all of the species found within have enough room to move about, live and feed.

How are we helping improve the condition of the Baltic Sea?
  • We are participating in the planning of the use of marine areas and making proposals for the creation of marine protected areas.
  • We are committed to ensuring that the European Union’s common agricultural policy (CAP) is as environmentally friendly as possible.
  • We support sustainable food production and fisheries; among other things, we have created a food traffic light for chain stores and consumers (currently includes a fish traffic light and a meat traffic light).
  • We recognise farmers with the Baltic Sea Farmer Award.
  • To protect the sea, we cooperate internationally with members of the Baltic Sea Programme of the World Wildlife Fund.
  • When necessary, we train and, in the event of an accident, assemble oil spill volunteers
  • We are committed to ensuring the good status of internal water bodies and the inhabitants thereof, because the sea originates on land, in the Baltic Sea catchment area.