How can a company support ELF?

Foto: Kadri Aller
Donations to the Estonian Fund for Nature are an important source of support, enabling us to fulfil our mission and maintain our independence. We are open to support from companies whose activities and values are in line with ours. By supporting us, you are helping to preserve Estonian nature!
Permanent donation
Permanent donations help us feel more confident when standing up for nature. For example, preserving forests, slowing climate change, preserving biodiversity, restoring mires, organising collective action days, maintaining a cleaner marine environment, and developing more environmentally friendly eating habits. Permanent donations give us greater opportunities to organize events and campaigns, create websites or other informational material, meet and communicate with decision-makers, pay administrative costs and expert expenses, and keep our own experts.
One time donation
If the decision to become a permanent donor requires some time and consideration, then a one-time donation is a good quick alternative. The company can choose a suitable time to support Estonian biodiversity and ELF’s nature conservation activities. Even a small amount of support is important for us and Estonian nature.
Donation initative
In the I Love to Help donation environment, a donation initiative can be created to protect nature. The initiative can be shared, for example, with the company’s employees, thus expanding the impact of donations. Starting a donation initiative is free.
Support nature conservations holidays
Conservation holidays are one of the longest-standing traditions of the ELF and, at the same time, one of the most practical and effective ways to preserve nature. The season of nature conservation holidays lasts from spring to autumn, and in order for the collective actions to go smoothly and in the most relevant and appropriate way for nature, we make preparations all year round.
Become our partner
We can conclude a strategic partnership agreement between ELF and your company. This method of donation is primarily intended for large donors. The company in this case supports the activities of a particular area of ELF for several years on a scale that leads to a significant impact. If you have any thoughts on the subject of partnership, please contact the ELF Business Donation Coordinator:
Aiki Avi
5663 5601
Aiki Avi
5663 5601